New Freeway Transit Hubs
At AGESS Inc., we are dedicated to stepping up our efforts in addressing environmental, residential and industrial projects but also Infrastructure. Transit and connectivity with a multimodal network is by no means an easy feat, but through cooperation and community empowerment we believe we can facilitate progress in this area. We are always striving to make a difference, and invite you to learn more and lend your support. Here is an example of a elevated train network in the center of existing freeway corridor.
Transit Oriented Development
Freeway capping to more recreation and park spaces create new economic opportunities. These spaces can also be coupled with new high density mixed used developments to meet the states affordable housing demand. The new developments can get higher density allocations and create new revenue streams for agencies like Caltrans that typically aren't able to get new income generation.
Freeway Rail Hub / Bus Station /Â EV Charging
A freeway rail network is the type of Infrastructure that is bipartisan and in great need around our country as mega projects like the high speed rail in California has shown that not being tied into the multimodal network and only viable upon completion leads to expensive overruns and non utilization. We propose to build incrementally and in parallel the many systems that will prioritize the existing freeway easements for freight and pedestrian travel which is interconnected to each city. This location is on 1st Avenue behind existing gas station and abutting Interstate 5.
Public Transit can be Beautiful and Accessible
Our bus hubs allow visitors to not only catch a bus but enjoy the experience while awaiting their trip or after a trip in which our stations are also viable civic park and recreation spaces. The current dilemma with public transportation is the stigma of the dirty and unpleasant experience, cramped and confined spaces, long waits, missed connections and exorbitant longer travel time. We aim to address these issues with our freeway bus network developments. This is located at Park Blvd abutting southern Balboa Park and northern Downtown SD.
Street Cars, Freeway Train and EV Charging
Connection of new and improvements systems can include a new street car along Park and onto El Cajon as well as two EV charging stations and elevated train system along the freeway easement. These can be in parallel or tandem that can also include new bus stops.
Freeway Connectivity to Existing Network
We are in the process of developing new hubs that can service as a concept of a freeway bus network connected to existing bus routes in the urban context. The hubs will service fully electric bus for both private developers and municipalities for faster and more direct service connectivity. With these stations connected to primary freeway infrastructure transfer times will be reduced and more direct routes become available. This is currently in schematic design and design development stages. This location is at 1st and Elm entrance to Interstate 5.
Emergency Charging Hubs and Restops
California Accessible Roadside Network of Electrified Transit (CAR NET) - Demonstration Project allows for the future of Vehicles to quickly pull off of the freeway and charge their EV Vehicles can be quickly deployed along California's Highways with modular construction techniques and on site energy generation, storage and distribution. These units can also serve a critical need to assist Fire Fighters with early detection monitoring, water hookups, water tank storage and other critical function such as emergency vehicular refuge by providing fire sprinkler systems in the event vehicles become engulfed by wild fires. This program is currently being developed to construct the first demonstration unit between San Diego and Imperial County.
Community Scale Intervention
The most common item in the city street which is often blighted and underutilized is the bus stop. These areas are accumulators of trash, blight and neglect. We are envisioning a low cost plugin improvement that could generate energy as a plugin to future electrified bus fleet but also as education hubs for their communities as a placemaking effort. Each location will have a smart hub with real time data available on schedules.