If you've got 93 Magic you can think about using Dragon heads because experiences are very high and RuneScape gold it cost around 90mil per year to get to 99 (which for prayer is actually pretty cheap). Other options like The Ensouled Bloodveld Head aren't as worth it.
Before proceeding with the OSRS prayer guide, it's important to note that prayer is an expensive technique to develop. Reaching high prayer levels require the use of a large amount of gold be invested , however at the same time it is one of the most straightforward skills to train if you are wealthy. To reduce your expenses and move to the highest level, you can employ the most effective methods.
It is a major mistake of new players and those who don't know the best ways to improve their prayer. We do not advise to take this approach. The burying of bones is always a bad idea - even if you're a at the level of a f2p player that is still more profitable to bank regular bones or large bones (which are the best for free to play) and use them for any altar instead of to burrow them. Check out the following guide to learn the methods that are worth your time. Remember to never bury bones by yourself.
Straight from the worst possible Prayer methods for leveling, we're getting to the fastest. Most players who want to level up their prayer practice use Gilded Altars located in Player Owned Houses (POH) to perform this. It's not a problem if you require 75 Construction to buy OSRS GP begin using one . However, if have one you can install it at home.