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Desert Shores community is currently experiencing an accelerated drying because of the Salton Sea receding, this receding is  due to diverted water sold to the City of San Diego, Recharging Coachella aquifers, and decreased farm usage because of to the Desert Shores size.  Unless addressed soon, 32 acres of historic water channels will become another exposed playa liability. Without immediate intervention, current dust exposure will increase and become a detrimental hazard to the air quality of the area with the most direct impact on the Desert Shores residents. Tilapia breeding areas are being lost by the thousands due to the seas recession and migratory birds have declined in the area. It is our goal to achieve  a dramatic improvement of air quality for residents and our neighbors as well as resoter fish and bird habitat through this restoration prototype.

Agess Incorporated, Septhon Water Technology & EcoMedia Compass have partnered with a majority of Desert Shores landowners, and a others living adjacent and with the local Channel communities around the Salton Sea. Together, we herein propose a dust mitigation, habitat, quality of life and shoreline improvement strategy for the residents and surrounding population who are susceptible to serious dust hazards from the playa.

We invite invite your organization, to join us to create a sustainable and healthy living condition for all communities being affected.

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The current status of the Desert Shores Keys has been in decline over the past three years once it was disconnected from the Salton Sea. This project is currently in negotiation for a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Imperial County Air Pollution Control District (ICAPCD) and the California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA) to refill the keys and restore 32 acres of habitat and dust mitigation.

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The first milestone is complete and the land is ready for permits to be drawn, after which, a GeoTube earth berm will be installed to block the existing intake channel so that water put in will remain  in and not try to fill the whole sea. It will also allow for any imported or improved water to remain in the keys. Once completed this milestone will prevent Playa from being exposed to local residents and create the foundation for stage 2. The pumping system is left floating in the sea so it will be capable of adapting to changing shoreline conditions. From this boat at form water can be added from. The sea to manage evaporation. This flexibility and source allows the project to cost effectively follow the receding  water supply from the sea, and the pump will have minimal in-flow interruption. This proposal has been included in the Salton Sea Management Program – Phase I: 10-Year Plan (SSMP) and compatible with the Salton Sea Air Quality.



The target of this goal is to complete the overall goal of the demonstration project, the restoration of life by improving the water quality. This is done by  utilizing the water surface in conjunction with shore line restoration to accelerate successful sustainable growth. The islands serve a dual surface function of water purifier and protected bird habitat, while each island structure and plant roots provide fish habitat. Preliminary water and continuous further cleaning in the keys is achieved using technology provided by Sephton water Co. The habitat floating islands and fisheries are from Agess Inc.



Once both stages are complete the objectives of the project will be successfully met, which are to stop dust, improve, air quality, in addition the project will also demonstrate the effectiveness of utilizing the surface water to maintain and improve the water and quality of life around the sea and its neighbors. A further expansion to the Project on adjacent land would include a history museum, recreational park equipment bird sporting rentals contained in a visitors and local cultural center.Look Forward : We hope these demonstrated restoration methods will be quickly adopted at other sites around the Salton Sea, such as: Salton Riviera Keys, Salton Sea Beach, North Shore Yacht Club, Varner Harbor at the State Park, etc.



Floating Education Barge with demonstration of technology within the Salton Sea and other areas which can be applied in other cities.

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Floating Islands can be installed within the keys and within  the sea to remove nutrients and heavy metals for improvement of water quality.


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Important Info


Sept 19, 2019

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